Health is why we are here. We are a specialist health + care agency helping to build and shape the connection between organisations and the people they serve so they can achieve the health they deserve.

Health is being the strongest we can be. Me, my family, my whanau, my community, us. Health also comes in many forms - social, physical, spiritual, environmental, financial and mental. It can be a product, a service, a treatment, a pill, an app but it always involves connecting people and an ethos of care. Wairua, mahi, manakitanga and whanau.
Our health is our wealth. Being able to live well and live strong provides us with so many more opportunities to work, live, play and pray.The healthier we are the better we can look after ourselves and our families. It's critical then, that everyone involved in providing any form of health to New Zealanders, does it the best they can. We are a stronger country when we are well.
But how health is being delivered and 'consumed' has changed and will change even more. And fast. People with paraplegic limbs are learning to walk again through virtual reality training, visually impaired people are re-seeing the world thanks to stem cell therapies and 'smart' glasses, women are managing their fertility through apps, men are accessing mental health support through Facebook (there are 55,000+ dads on KiwiDads) while nanotechnology and 3D printing will completely change orthopaedics - 'Need a new knee? certainly madame, we'll have that ready for you this afternoon. Yes, we can deliver it by drone to your home'.
Right now, there are truck drivers doing virtual consults with their GPs in Pukekohe while they transport loads to Wellington (during a rest break of course!), there will be 6328 people searching for weight loss plans for summer...'should I go paleo, lemon detox, LCHF or IF'...? A person will be describing their symptoms to an AI GP app on their phone. There will be a mother trying to understand, let alone spell, Alzheimer's in a specialist office, a Dad in Otahuhu managing what he thinks is an ankle strain with anti immflammatories while gout takes hold and a new mum staring blankly at the wall of baby formulas stretching down the supermarket aisle, saying to herself, 'I used to be in the other aisle getting free wine tastings, when did this happen?!'.
Health is different. The average decision time for purchasing butter is 3 seconds, a diagnosis for Ankylosing Spondylitis can take 7 years.
Getting health, providing health and doing health is not easy. There are multiple stakeholders and interested parties involved who often have to work together to make things happen. No patient or health consumer is 'an island' but is surrounded by a mix of family, whanau, friends, health professionals, well-meaning 'friends', Facebook advice, Insta-stars, media, advertising and everyones 'go-to', Google.
All this combines to make the health behaviour pathway dynamic with interlacing layers of both head and heart decision making. Often too, these decisions are made in the context of a pressured situation where highly technical information needs to deciphered, assimilated and acted upon with significant consequences for getting it wrong. Buy the wrong lipstick and it might not match your outfit ruining your instagram post, buy the wrong antiseptic cream and that scratch could become septicaemia, ruining your life. Health is different.
Health is why DeepLimited is here. Our role is to help build and shape the connection between organisations and the people they serve so they achieve the health they want and deserve.
We want to help make health and care smoother, more connected, more user friendly and more people driven. We want to help put the best care in the hands of those who need it, where they need, when they want it. We want to make health services and health products easier to use but also easier to run and easier to deliver.
Health is our true wealth. NZ is leading the world in healthcare innovation and in indigenous health development. We can be the healthiest and therefore 'wealthiest' country in the world. We want to help make that happen. That's why we we do this work. Let us help you bring the best health to your customers, patients, communities.

Health requires 'end to end' action. From macro strategic work to help re-shape the environment for health to happen, to 'inside out work' to ensure the business or organisation is ready to create health change, to building relationships with partners and health professionals to form the best health experience, to directly connecting with the patients, people and whanau who need health and care. Health requires a 'jack of all trades, master of many' skill set.
Because of the nature of our work, much of it is either commercially sensitive or can't be displayed publicly as it is for HCPs only. 'Our' work is our clients work.It is also wide reaching and varied, encompassing business strategy right through to advertising.
Our 'model' is
We've supported national change in health, working with 'shapers' such as PHARMAC, MoH, Whanau Ora and commercial organisations to help make health happen. For example, developing collective strategies with government, private and NGO organisations to improve Maori mens CVD rates.
Skill sets
- Consulting
- Strategic planning
- Facilitation
- Solution development
- Strategic review
- Creative thinking
We work with organisations on 'inside out' change, helping to get their mindset, people and systems ready to create health change.This formation work means the organisation is able to be more effective and more effecient in its delivery and service to their stakeholders and audiences. For example, developing new business models to use digital health coaching to extend service reach and to augment face to face services.
Skill sets
- Business development
- Facilitation
- Solution development
- Integration
- Planning
Health is built on people. We help build people. Enhancing skills, opening new ways of working, new ways of looking so we can help build the capacity of the sector and enrich the health experience for the 'user'. For example, developing a 'whole of clinic' system that guides general practice teams to enhance patient user experience.
Skill sets
- Training
- Facilitation
- Solution development
- Blended learning
- Marketing
- Health consumer behaviour
- Design
There are more mobile phones in NZ than people. We will buy shoes, clothes and tickets online and on our phones but when it come to health, we 'buy' from a person. Health is different. Both healthcare professionals and health 'consumers' take a much more dynamic pathway in their decision making, requiring a 360 view of the audience and the environment in which they live and work. We harness the power of integrated channels and boost this with a deep and intricate knowledge of the health sector and health consumer behaviour so health reaches the right people in the right way. We work with organisations to construct the right solution to make health happen. For example using our knowledge of paediatric specialists to increase the reach for infant formulas.
Skill sets
- Channel research
- Media planning
- Solution development
- Positioning
- Health consumer behaviour
- Creative
- Design
How does a GP finish her week? By lining up a rubbish bin next to the desk and shovelling all the unopened mail off the edge into it. It must feel great. Unless you sent that mailer. Health is different. Engaging health professionals, patients and health consumers is a specialist skill that comes from knowing the nuances of the culture, the dynamics of the behaviours and the value base of the people and organisations involved. Getting engagement right is where a lot of our work happens. For example, developing a GP and specialist mailer that achieved a 51% response rate up from 6%; transforming sales aids into iPad based selling; producing TVCs, web and apps to cut-through the clutter of health information; repositioning rheumatic fever into a 'beat.fever' social media campaign, creating and launching new brands to provide a new solution for health.
Skill sets
- Positioning
- Health consumer behaviour
- Creative
- Design
- Activation
- Implementation
How can we support you to make health happen?

When we started DeepLimited, we did something quite strange, we went and asked marketing directors, brand managers, product managers, programme delivers and CEOs what they wanted, what solutions they needed and how would they like an 'agency' to work with them.
We also asked them -
'What are the hassles, issues and bottlenecks working with agencies?'
'What's painful about working with agencies?'
And we got some really interesting feedback, opened a 'can of worms' and got to know what organisations like about agencies and what they REALLY don't like. And we heard the same things from lots of different people. So we used this to form our 'ways of working' and business model which we keep refining and adapting because client's needs change rapidly and health is different. If you'd like to know what they said, get in touch.
DeepLimited works 360, end to end, holistic, integrated. We blend into your team, think, do, roll our sleeves up and get the right job done. We bring an extensive knowledge of all things 'health', of how to create change and the experience of making things happen. We bring creativity to the development of solutions but also have the experience to see issues before they happen and proactively manage 'end to end' execution. We don't stop working at the 'edge' of the brief.
We see things. Ways to cut through when your caught in the complexity of making health happen, ways to simplify and focus and ways to join, what look like disparate pieces, together.
We add a boost. The extra brains, extra hands and X-factor to help you create change and impact.
We work from board room to living room.
We think. We do.
Deep.Ltd are a team of people, partners and canines with layers of experience, connected and trusted throughout the health sector.
We are a 'can do' team who keep an eye on the bleeding edge of digital and design, enjoy the intricacy of research and clinical trials, are involved in incubators and crowd sourced change and know the power that comes from connected people.
We adapt to your ways of working and culture and can scale from local to national to international.
Call us. +64 9 280 3176
Email us.
Visit us. 1 Akaroa Street, Parnell, Auckland
Often the people who find us have worked with a general agency but need a health specialist to boost their traction in the market or reach a specific audience. They then find we have the ability to work from business strategy to advertising so we being helping them reform their approach to make it sit more synergistically in health thinking, culture and bevahiours. Then we end up reshaping the 'voice' and execution so that it's better seen and heard by health consumers. Often we work alongside existing creative agencies as an 'activation' or 'HCP engagement' partner (notice the cunning use of terms there to make the procurement pathway smoother and to act as compliment to the 'preferred agency')
We are a specialist health + care agency who work end to end - from business development to people development to communication and advertising. We want to help every person get the health they and their whanau deserve.
Passion, specialist skills, knowledge and experience is what we bring to your team. Come and have coffee, give us a call or drop us a line and let us know where we can help.
This is how it normally begins....
We've been working with a general agency but we can't seem to get through to GPs, Specialists, health consumers...
We want to launch a health product but not sure about TAPs, the rules, DTC....
We want to use social media but not sure how we can do that for our clinic...
We want to create a social movement...
Do you do animation...? Can you make us a TVC...? An app...? A web site...? A sales aid...?
We want to develop a wellbeing programme but want it linked to our values, not stamped on water bottles...
We want to launch a new pharmaceutical to the market and get market share from our competitor
We have a strategic planning day coming up, can you facilitate it...?
How can we help?